Monday, February 7, 2011

The Tax Man Calleth.....

Boker Tov (Good Morning), my dear friends. I realize I haven't written in more than a month...boy have I got news to tell you! I don't remember if I mentioned this several months ago, but Dodi and I were discussing buying the H&R Block office I've worked at and managed the last several years. The owner has some health problems, and really needed to sell the office. He approached me and asked if I was interested. Well, long story short, we did it. We bought the office back in October. Due to change ups in Corporate offices, the contract with Block wasn't signed until the Thursday before the office officially opened in December. So we signed papers with Corporate, and then opened the office the following Monday....whew! We did great in December with the Emerald Advances....beat last years total done. Pretty good for a couple of rookies! We'd prayed and told Papa if it was His Will for us to have this office, He'd have to provide what we needed. And He did. If things continue the way they're going, we should be completely out of debt both in the office and the house in 3 years. WooHoo!
Come January, we rehired two employees from last year's tax season, Dodi was hired and my former boss stayed on as my mentor. So far this tax season, we've already done more than half the returns we did last tax season. And we've gained several new clients. Pretty exciting for us and for the office! We're hoping to pick up some book keeping work for the off season to help with getting everything paid off. And to broaden the scope of services for the office. So it looks like we'll be busy for a couple more months. Of course this means I  may not get to post as often as I would like....but I know you'll understand.
We also got some troubling news in January. We've been driving 3 hours one way to go to Tabernacle for the last 7 months. We LOVE the congregation and the Rabbi is wonderful. We'd hoped to be able to work out something with them for Little Critter to begin his Bar Mitzvah classes there. Unfortunately, they require him to attend weekly...and won't allow us to do any of the work in homeschool. That made it impossible to do with tax season and the shop I'm relying on Papa to take care of this problem. Little Critter will be turning 11 next month and we REALLY need to get him into some kind of Bar Mitzvah class soon. And while I was devastated that we were denied our request, I also understand the teacher's refusal. And I know Papa wasn't at all surprised at this turn of events. So we're waiting to see what direction He would have us go now on this issue. There is a slightly closer Synagogue we can approach, but it's in a higher traffic area. Sigh. There just isn't one near us. So perhaps we're to go somewhere new. Again. I know He has a place for us....we just have to find it. And listen for His directions. But Little Critter is doing pretty good on his other school work and doing his work at the office too. (He gathers trash everyday and takes it out twice a week, and then makes the coffee first thing when we arrive.) So overall, it's all good.
Well, it's getting late and I have to get up early. No calling in sick for me for another 2 1/2 months.....but look out May!!! Giggle. Hope things are going great for everyone. Pops, thrilled you're doing better after your surgery. Abouna, you take care of yourself Sweetie. No more pnuemonia or I really WILL send you Jewish Penicillin!!!! Nanc, hugs to you dear one. Stay warm. And to everyone else, know that even when I'm silent for a bit, I pray for each of you daily. May Papa bless you with His joy, peace and love. Stay warm! Shalom, Spitfire