Thursday, May 7, 2009

Doing a happy dance here!

I realize this may not be a big deal for many reading this or may even cause concern. But I have to share some pretty big news here. As you know, we've been celebrating the Biblical feasts and Shabbat for several years. We've been slowly moving to becoming more Biblical in our lives and doing things more as the Torah says. We believe that to follow Yeshua (Jesus) we are to do our best to imitate Him in His actions and words. Now, my words often get me in trouble, but I'm working on it!
Anyway, tonight, I asked Dodi if he thought it would be OK to go to the Messianic Temple in a nearby (35 miles one way away) town instead of the usual service at our Pentecostal church. He thought it would be OK to go see what a weeknight service was like. (We've gone a couple times for Shabbat services on Saturday, and Dodi likes them!) Well, after the service, (which is more a praise and study class than a service), Dodi was talking with the rabbi and before I knew it, he'd said he'd like to have a tallit (prayer shawl) and a Jewish Bible! We also got a kippa (yalmuka) and kippot (vest with tzitzit) for Little Critter. He then asked Rabbi what he needs to do become more the priest of our home that he's called to be!!!!!! And one the way home, Dodi commented he wasn't sure he wanted to become Jewish, but he really liked the Temple, and wouldn't mind if we went regularly!!! Oh, I am happy dancing!!!!!

This Temple follows the same rules and commandments (mitzvot) as Yeshua (Jesus) and also celebrates the Biblical feasts! We won't have to do them all by ourselves anymore! We're making new friends that believe like we do, share our love for a good celebration, and also try to live emulating our Savior. This is just TOO cool!!!!

Now, don't get me wrong. We like our two churches here closer to home, but both of them are compromises. Neither church celebrates any of the feasts (although both did do Pesach (Passover) this year) and while there are flashes of G-d being in the services, it's only flashes. It's not like He lives in either church....He's only invited in sometimes. Does that make sense? The people in both churches are wonderful folks.....but even Little Critter said he likes it better at Temple....and there's NO children's church or anything there. He has to sit with us thru an entire hour of teaching on top of the rest of the service....and he loves it!!!!!!! If that's not a message from above, I've seriously missed the boat! When a 9 yo squirmy wormy boy WANTS to go sit for over an hour and listen to someone teach him Bible, it comes close to being a certifiable miracle!!!!!! My best friend growing up was Messianic, and I celebrated feasts with them and often attended Temple with them, so for me, this is like going home again! Our Savior was a Jewish rabbi, who followed the Biblical feasts and commandments of Torah. If it was good for Him, shouldn't it be good for us also? We've found SUCH blessings from following in His footsteps. I pray that each of you would know the peace and joy of following in His footsteps. I also pray you each are blessed this week. Shalom, Spitfire

PS For years I've said we were Episco-Costals....I reckon now we'll have to say we're Messianic Jewish Epsico-Costals! You reckon that will make Homeland Security put us on a terrorist list?! Goodness, we're conservative too....that's bound to get us written up as crazies!!!!!! Oh well, it'll give them something useful to do for a while. Smile.


NoReply said...

ohhh this is simply AMAZING news... simply amazing...

I am dancing with you.....

Hadassah said...

Wonderful!!! I'll dance with you too.

Unknown said...

I recommend an extensive research of the origin of NT and Pauls doctrines; and a study of what the first followers of Ribi Yehoshua (ha-Mashiakh; the Messiah) – the Netzarim - said about Paul and NT (see the below website).

You will find a wealth of invaluable documented information at:

Anders Branderud

Gayle said...

If your crazy, Spitfire, then crazy is much preferrable to what is passing for normal these days.

I saw your great comment over at Reverend Gregori's. Absolutely. Only problem with it was that you didn't leave much for me to comment on, so I just dittoed what you said! :)

Hadassah said...

Just dropping a line. Ahavah keeps reminding me that I should get on your email list. I would absolutely love that. If that's alright with you of course. ;) Just let me know. Thanks.

NoReply said...

Spitfire - you need to add in a 'contact' email on this site....

use one that is just for this place only...