Friday, August 28, 2009

Just keep trusting, just keep trusting.....

Continuing our look at Psalm 27, let's look at verses 2 and 3.

2. When evildoers assailed me, to devour my flesh,
my adversaries and foes, they stumbled and fell.
3. If an army encamps against me, my heart will not fear;
if war breaks out against me, even then I will keep trusting.

Well, if you're even halfway conservative, no matter what your political persuasion, you most likely feel assailed and encamped against. And in many ways, you are. There's an all out push to stuff Papa in a box, hide Him in the closet and then lock the door while telling the world He doesn't exist. And then, to go after those of us who would much prefer He be left out in the open, free to do with this world as He sees fit and reminding all of us of the ways we're to travel this road of life. But we seem to be in the minority. OK, then just let us worship the way we wish to and don't stuff all this humanistic, atheistic, hedonistic stuff down our throats. I have nothing against atheists or hedonists.....not my place to come down hard on them. My job, as I understand it, is to point out Papa's Ways and His desires for them and their lives with grace and love. (Boy is that hard some days!!!!!)

But as it said in verse 1, Adonai is my salvation and light, the stronghold of my life. So do I need to fear? Heavens, no. I still say that if He could move several million (or thousand depending on your counting) Israelites thru the wilderness for 40 years without once having to replace their clothes, or shoes and making sure they had food and water that whole time, He can certainly take care of my loved ones and me. He is the same yesterday, today and forever....He never changes. He's not like normal men that change their stories to suit their purposes. He's the Eternal, the Creator, the El Shaddai,  the YHWH Yirah. He knows how many hairs are on your head, how many blood cells in your veins. Don't you think He also knows the desires of your heart, your needs, your hopes. Yes, Beloved friends, He knows more about you than you know yourself. And He promised in His love letter to us that a)He would never leave us alone, b) He loved us with an unending love, c) no one could grab us out of His Hand, d) He would fight for and with us to make sure we stayed His and best of all, e)He'd cover us with His wings (the corners of His cloak)and be our rear guard.

So, to paraphrase my favorite brain dead fish....just keep trusting, just keep trusting.
Shalom, Spitfire
My thanks to the writers of Nemo and especially Dory for the title. Giggle, giggle.

Happy Preparation day for my Jewish friends. For those not Jewish, have a great weekend!


The Local Malcontent said...

Shalom Shabbat, Spitfire!
Wanted you to know that I've finally found your great blog, and become a follower.
I'll look forward to visiting often for your sound words and counsel.

Mal (ron)

Aubrey said...

I love Psalms 27! It's so funny that what I need to hear, always happens to tie in with the weekly readings or readings tying in with the feast dates. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Shabbat.

RaDena said...

Without my faith, Spitfire, I would go completely mad. Wonderful post!

And thanks for the little picture of Nemo. It's a reminder that I should go feed my fish. :)

nanc said...

I LOVE DORY! wait, who's dory? HA! GOTCHA!

the enemy is working overtime on the bad and twice as hard on the good these days.

hosha na Moshiach

ABNPOPPA said...

As always a great and meaningful post. As long as there is one believer alive He will never be placed in a box in the closet. We must stand strong and together until this dark cloud has pasted, and it will if He wills it.

Shabbat Shalom,
